Spectral fitting example (Crab)

To run this, you need the following files, which can be downloaded using the first few cells of this notebook: - orientation file (20280301_3_month.ori)
- binned data (crab_bkg_binned_data.hdf5, crab_binned_data.hdf5, & bkg_binned_data.hdf5)
- detector response (SMEXv12.Continuum.HEALPixO3_10bins_log_flat.binnedimaging.imagingresponse.nonsparse_nside8.area.good_chunks_unzip.h5.zip)

The binned data are simulations of the Crab Nebula and albedo photon background produced using the COSI SMEX mass model. The detector response needs to be unzipped before running the notebook.

This notebook fits the spectrum of a Crab simulated using MEGAlib and combined with background.

3ML is a high-level interface that allows multiple datasets from different instruments to be used coherently to fit the parameters of source model. A source model typically consists of a list of sources with parametrized spectral shapes, sky locations and, for extended sources, shape. Polarization is also possible. A “coherent” analysis, in this context, means that the source model parameters are fitted using all available datasets simultanously, rather than performing individual fits and finding a well-suited common model a posteriori.

In order for a dataset to be included in 3ML, each instrument needs to provide a “plugin”. Each plugin is responsible for reading the data, convolving the source model (provided by 3ML) with the instrument response, and returning a likelihood. In our case, we’ll compute a binned Poisson likelihood:

\[\log \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_i \log \frac{\lambda_i(\mathbf{x})^{d_i} \exp (-\lambda_i)}{d_i!}\]

where \(d_i\) are the counts on each bin and \(\lambda_i\) are the expected counts given a source model with parameters \(\mathbf{x}\).

In this example, we will fit a single point source with a known location. We’ll assume the background is known and fixed up to a scaling factor. Finally, we will fit a Band function:

\[\begin{split}f(x) = K \begin{cases} \left(\frac{x}{E_{piv}}\right)^{\alpha} \exp \left(-\frac{(2+\alpha) * x}{x_{p}}\right) & x \leq (\alpha-\beta) \frac{x_{p}}{(\alpha+2)} \\ \left(\frac{x}{E_{piv}}\right)^{\beta} * \exp (\beta-\alpha)\left[\frac{(\alpha-\beta) x_{p}}{E_{piv}(2+\alpha)}\right]^{\alpha-\beta} * &x>(\alpha-\beta) \frac{x_{p}}{(\alpha+2)} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(K\) (normalization), \(\alpha\) & \(\beta\) (spectral indeces), and \(x_p\) (peak energy) are the free parameters, while \(E_{piv}\) is the pivot energy which is fixed (and arbitrary).

Considering these assumptions:

\[\lambda_i(\mathbf{x}) = B*b_i + s_i(\mathbf{x})\]

where \(B*b_i\) are the estimated counts due to background in each bin with \(B\) the amplitude and \(b_i\) the shape of the background, and \(s_i\) are the corresponding expected counts from the source, the goal is then to find the values of \(\mathbf{x} = [K, \alpha, \beta, x_p]\) and \(B\) that maximize \(\mathcal{L}\). These are the best estimations of the parameters.

The final module needs to also fit the time-dependent background, handle multiple point-like and extended sources, as well as all the spectral models supported by 3ML. Eventually, it will also fit the polarization angle. However, this simple example already contains all the necessary pieces to do a fit.

from cosipy import COSILike, test_data, BinnedData
from cosipy.spacecraftfile import SpacecraftFile
from cosipy.response.FullDetectorResponse import FullDetectorResponse
from cosipy.util import fetch_wasabi_file

from scoords import SpacecraftFrame

from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Galactic

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from threeML import Band, PointSource, Model, JointLikelihood, DataList
from astromodels import Parameter

from pathlib import Path

import os
12:03:40 WARNING   The naima package is not available. Models that depend on it will not be         functions.py:48
         WARNING   The GSL library or the pygsl wrapper cannot be loaded. Models that depend on it  functions.py:69
                  will not be available.                                                                           
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of K to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of K to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of K to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of K to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of F to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
         WARNING   We have set the min_value of K to 1e-99 because there was a postive transform   parameter.py:704
12:03:40 INFO      Starting 3ML!                                                                     __init__.py:35
         WARNING   WARNINGs here are NOT errors                                                      __init__.py:36
         WARNING   but are inform you about optional packages that can be installed                  __init__.py:37
         WARNING    to disable these messages, turn off start_warning in your config file            __init__.py:40
         WARNING   ROOT minimizer not available                                                minimization.py:1345
         WARNING   Multinest minimizer not available                                           minimization.py:1357
         WARNING   PyGMO is not available                                                      minimization.py:1369
         WARNING   The cthreeML package is not installed. You will not be able to use plugins which  __init__.py:94
                  require the C/C++ interface (currently HAWC)                                                     
         WARNING   Could not import plugin HAWCLike.py. Do you have the relative instrument         __init__.py:144
                  software installed and configured?                                                               
         WARNING   Could not import plugin FermiLATLike.py. Do you have the relative instrument     __init__.py:144
                  software installed and configured?                                                               
12:03:41 WARNING   No fermitools installed                                              lat_transient_builder.py:44
12:03:41 WARNING   Env. variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set. Please set it to 1 for optimal         __init__.py:387
                  performances in 3ML                                                                              
         WARNING   Env. variable MKL_NUM_THREADS is not set. Please set it to 1 for optimal         __init__.py:387
                  performances in 3ML                                                                              
         WARNING   Env. variable NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS is not set. Please set it to 1 for optimal     __init__.py:387
                  performances in 3ML                                                                              

Download and read in binned data

Define the path to the directory containing the data, detector response, orientation file, and yaml files if they have already been downloaded, or the directory to download the files into

data_path = Path("/path/to/files")

Download the orientation file (684.38 MB)

fetch_wasabi_file('COSI-SMEX/DC2/Data/Orientation/20280301_3_month.ori', output=str(data_path / '20280301_3_month.ori'))

Download the binned Crab+background data (99.16 MB)

fetch_wasabi_file('COSI-SMEX/cosipy_tutorials/crab_spectral_fit_galactic_frame/crab_bkg_binned_data.hdf5', output=str(data_path / 'crab_bkg_binned_data.hdf5'))

Download the binned Crab data (13.16 MB)

fetch_wasabi_file('COSI-SMEX/cosipy_tutorials/crab_spectral_fit_galactic_frame/crab_binned_data.hdf5', output=str(data_path / 'crab_binned_data.hdf5'))

Download the binned background data (89.10 MB)

fetch_wasabi_file('COSI-SMEX/cosipy_tutorials/crab_spectral_fit_galactic_frame/bkg_binned_data.hdf5', output=str(data_path / 'bkg_binned_data.hdf5'))

Download the response file (839.62 MB). This needs to be unzipped before running the rest of the notebook

fetch_wasabi_file('COSI-SMEX/DC2/Responses/SMEXv12.Continuum.HEALPixO3_10bins_log_flat.binnedimaging.imagingresponse.nonsparse_nside8.area.good_chunks_unzip.h5.zip', output=str(data_path / 'SMEXv12.Continuum.HEALPixO3_10bins_log_flat.binnedimaging.imagingresponse.nonsparse_nside8.area.good_chunks_unzip.h5.zip'))

Read in the spacecraft orientation file

sc_orientation = SpacecraftFile.parse_from_file(data_path / "20280301_3_month.ori")

Create BinnedData objects for the Crab only, Crab+background, and background only. The Crab only simulation is not used for the spectral fit, but can be used to compare the fitted spectrum to the source simulation

crab = BinnedData(data_path / "crab.yaml")
crab_bkg = BinnedData(data_path / "crab.yaml")
bkg = BinnedData(data_path / "background.yaml")

Load binned .hdf5 files

crab.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data=data_path / "crab_binned_data.hdf5")
crab_bkg.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data=data_path / "crab_bkg_binned_data.hdf5")
bkg.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data=data_path / "bkg_binned_data.hdf5")

Define the path to the detector response

dr = str(data_path / "SMEXv12.Continuum.HEALPixO3_10bins_log_flat.binnedimaging.imagingresponse.nonsparse_nside8.area.good_chunks_unzip.h5") # path to detector response

Perform spectral fit

Set background parameter, which is used to fit the amplitude of the background, and instantiate the COSI 3ML plugin

bkg_par = Parameter("background_cosi",                                         # background parameter
                     1,                                                        # initial value of parameter
                     min_value=0,                                              # minimum value of parameter
                     max_value=5,                                              # maximum value of parameter
                     delta=0.05,                                               # initial step used by fitting engine
                     desc="Background parameter for cosi")

cosi = COSILike("cosi",                                                        # COSI 3ML plugin
                 dr = dr,                                                      # detector response
                 data = crab_bkg.binned_data.project('Em', 'Phi', 'PsiChi'),   # data (source+background)
                 bkg = bkg.binned_data.project('Em', 'Phi', 'PsiChi'),         # background model
                 sc_orientation = sc_orientation,                              # spacecraft orientation
                 nuisance_param = bkg_par)                                     # background parameter

Define a point source at the known location with a Band function spectrum and add it to the model. The initial values of the Band function parameters are set to the true values used to simulate the source

l = 184.56
b = -5.78

alpha = -1.99
beta = -2.32
E0 = 531. * (alpha - beta) * u.keV
xp = E0 * (alpha + 2) / (alpha - beta)
piv = 500. * u.keV
K = 3.07e-5 / u.cm / u.cm / u.s / u.keV

spectrum = Band()

spectrum.alpha.min_value = -2.14
spectrum.alpha.max_value = 3.0
spectrum.beta.min_value = -5.0
spectrum.beta.max_value = -2.15
spectrum.xp.min_value = 1.0

spectrum.alpha.value = alpha
spectrum.beta.value = beta
spectrum.xp.value = xp.value
spectrum.K.value = K.value
spectrum.piv.value = piv.value

spectrum.xp.unit = xp.unit
spectrum.K.unit = K.unit
spectrum.piv.unit = piv.unit

spectrum.alpha.delta = 0.01
spectrum.beta.delta = 0.01

source = PointSource("source",                     # Name of source (arbitrary, but needs to be unique)
                     l = l,                        # Longitude (deg)
                     b = b,                        # Latitude (deg)
                     spectral_shape = spectrum)    # Spectral model

# Optional: free the position parameters
#source.position.l.free = True
#source.position.b.free = True

model = Model(source)  # Model with single source. If we had multiple sources, we would do Model(source1, source2, ...)

# Optional: if you want to call get_log_like manually, then you also need to set the model manually
# 3ML does this internally during the fit though
12:04:35 WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794
... Calculating point source responses ...

WARNING ErfaWarning: ERFA function "utctai" yielded 7979956 of "dubious year (Note 3)"

--> done (source name : source)
--> all done

Gather all plugins and combine with the model in a JointLikelihood object, then perform maximum likelihood fit

plugins = DataList(cosi) # If we had multiple instruments, we would do e.g. DataList(cosi, lat, hawc, ...)

like = JointLikelihood(model, plugins, verbose = False)

12:05:05 INFO      set the minimizer to minuit                                             joint_likelihood.py:1042
Adding 1e-12 to each bin of the expectation to avoid log-likelihood = -inf.

WARNING IntegrationWarning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents
  the requested tolerance from being achieved.  The error may be

12:05:26 WARNING   get_number_of_data_points not implemented, values for statistical        plugin_prototype.py:128
                  measurements such as AIC or BIC are unreliable                                                   
12:05:26 WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794
Best fit values:

result unit
source.spectrum.main.Band.K (2.857 +/- 0.023) x 10^-5 1 / (cm2 keV s)
source.spectrum.main.Band.alpha -1.9886 +/- 0.0004
source.spectrum.main.Band.xp 4.47 -0.17 +0.18 keV
source.spectrum.main.Band.beta -2.1964 +/- 0.0016
background_cosi (9.9193 +/- 0.0020) x 10^-1
Correlation matrix:

Values of -log(likelihood) at the minimum:

cosi -2.612135e+08
total -2.612135e+08
Values of statistical measures:

statistical measures
AIC -5.224270e+08
BIC -5.224270e+08
(                                    value  negative_error  positive_error  \
 source.spectrum.main.Band.K      0.000029   -2.272835e-07    2.278935e-07
 source.spectrum.main.Band.alpha -1.988617   -3.560944e-04    3.585775e-04
 source.spectrum.main.Band.xp     4.473464   -1.691279e-01    1.784522e-01
 source.spectrum.main.Band.beta  -2.196416   -1.564268e-03    1.565798e-03
 background_cosi                  0.991932   -1.915462e-04    1.937451e-04

                                         error             unit
 source.spectrum.main.Band.K      2.275885e-07  1 / (cm2 keV s)
 source.spectrum.main.Band.alpha  3.573359e-04
 source.spectrum.main.Band.xp     1.737900e-01              keV
 source.spectrum.main.Band.beta   1.565033e-03
 background_cosi                  1.926456e-04                   ,
 cosi      -2.612135e+08
 total     -2.612135e+08)

Error propagation and plotting (Band function)

Define Band function spectrum injected into MEGAlib

alpha_inj = -1.99
beta_inj = -2.32
E0_inj = 531. * (alpha_inj - beta_inj) * u.keV
xp_inj = E0_inj * (alpha_inj + 2) / (alpha_inj - beta_inj)
piv_inj = 100. * u.keV
K_inj = 7.56e-4 / u.cm / u.cm / u.s / u.keV

spectrum_inj = Band()

spectrum_inj.alpha.min_value = -2.14
spectrum_inj.alpha.max_value = 3.0
spectrum_inj.beta.min_value = -5.0
spectrum_inj.beta.max_value = -2.15
spectrum_inj.xp.min_value = 1.0

spectrum_inj.alpha.value = alpha_inj
spectrum_inj.beta.value = beta_inj
spectrum_inj.xp.value = xp_inj.value
spectrum_inj.K.value = K_inj.value
spectrum_inj.piv.value = piv_inj.value

spectrum_inj.xp.unit = xp_inj.unit
spectrum_inj.K.unit = K_inj.unit
spectrum_inj.piv.unit = piv_inj.unit
12:06:33 WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794

The summary of the results above tell you the optimal values of the parameters, as well as the errors. Propogate the errors to the “evaluate_at” method of the spectrum

results = like.results


parameters = {par.name:results.get_variates(par.path)
              for par in results.optimized_model["source"].parameters.values()
              if par.free}

results_err = results.propagate(results.optimized_model["source"].spectrum.main.shape.evaluate_at, **parameters)

Best fit values:

result unit
source.spectrum.main.Band.K (2.857 +/- 0.023) x 10^-5 1 / (cm2 keV s)
source.spectrum.main.Band.alpha -1.9886 +/- 0.0004
source.spectrum.main.Band.xp 4.47 -0.17 +0.18 keV
source.spectrum.main.Band.beta -2.1964 +/- 0.0016
background_cosi (9.9193 +/- 0.0020) x 10^-1
Correlation matrix:

Values of -log(likelihood) at the minimum:

cosi -2.612135e+08
total -2.612135e+08
Values of statistical measures:

statistical measures
AIC -5.224270e+08
BIC -5.224270e+08
12:06:34 WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794
         WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794
         WARNING   The current value of the parameter beta (-2.0) was above the new maximum -2.15. parameter.py:794
  * source (point source):
    * position:
      * l:
        * value: 184.56
        * desc: Galactic longitude
        * min_value: 0.0
        * max_value: 360.0
        * unit: deg
        * is_normalization: false
      * b:
        * value: -5.78
        * desc: Galactic latitude
        * min_value: -90.0
        * max_value: 90.0
        * unit: deg
        * is_normalization: false
      * equinox: J2000
    * spectrum:
      * main:
        * Band:
          * K:
            * value: 2.8565585663971596e-05
            * desc: Differential flux at the pivot energy
            * min_value: 1.0e-99
            * max_value: null
            * unit: keV-1 s-1 cm-2
            * is_normalization: true
          * alpha:
            * value: -1.9886166208617622
            * desc: low-energy photon index
            * min_value: -2.14
            * max_value: 3.0
            * unit: ''
            * is_normalization: false
          * xp:
            * value: 4.473463779563324
            * desc: peak in the x * x * N (nuFnu if x is a energy)
            * min_value: 1.0
            * max_value: null
            * unit: keV
            * is_normalization: false
          * beta:
            * value: -2.196416422107725
            * desc: high-energy photon index
            * min_value: -5.0
            * max_value: -2.15
            * unit: ''
            * is_normalization: false
          * piv:
            * value: 500.0
            * desc: pivot energy
            * min_value: null
            * max_value: null
            * unit: keV
            * is_normalization: false
        * polarization: {}

Evaluate the flux and errors at a range of energies for the fitted and injected spectra, and the simulated source flux

energy = np.geomspace(100*u.keV,10*u.MeV).to_value(u.keV)

flux_lo = np.zeros_like(energy)
flux_median = np.zeros_like(energy)
flux_hi = np.zeros_like(energy)
flux_inj = np.zeros_like(energy)

for i, e in enumerate(energy):
    flux = results_err(e)
    flux_median[i] = flux.median
    flux_lo[i], flux_hi[i] = flux.equal_tail_interval(cl=0.68)
    flux_inj[i] = spectrum_inj.evaluate_at(e)

binned_energy_edges = crab.binned_data.axes['Em'].edges.value
binned_energy = np.array([])
bin_sizes = np.array([])

for i in range(len(binned_energy_edges)-1):
    binned_energy = np.append(binned_energy, (binned_energy_edges[i+1] + binned_energy_edges[i]) / 2)
    bin_sizes = np.append(bin_sizes, binned_energy_edges[i+1] - binned_energy_edges[i])

expectation = cosi._expected_counts['source']

Plot the fitted and injected spectra

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(energy, energy*energy*flux_median, label = "Best fit")
ax.fill_between(energy, energy*energy*flux_lo, energy*energy*flux_hi, alpha = .5, label = "Best fit (errors)")
ax.plot(energy, energy*energy*flux_inj, color = 'black', ls = ":", label = "Injected")


ax.set_xlabel("Energy (keV)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$E^2 \frac{dN}{dE}$ (keV cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$)")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x289dee910>

Plot the fitted spectrum convolved with the response, as well as the simulated source counts

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.stairs(expectation.project('Em').todense().contents, binned_energy_edges, color='purple', label = "Best fit convolved with response")
ax.errorbar(binned_energy, expectation.project('Em').todense().contents, yerr=np.sqrt(expectation.project('Em').todense().contents), color='purple', linewidth=0, elinewidth=1)
ax.stairs(crab.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents, binned_energy_edges, color = 'black', ls = ":", label = "Source counts")
ax.errorbar(binned_energy, crab.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents, yerr=np.sqrt(crab.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents), color='black', linewidth=0, elinewidth=1)


ax.set_xlabel("Energy (keV)")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2afdc8160>

Plot the fitted spectrum convolved with the response plus the fitted background, as well as the simulated source+background counts

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.stairs(expectation.project('Em').todense().contents+(bkg_par.value * bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents), binned_energy_edges, color='purple', label = "Best fit convolved with response plus background")
ax.errorbar(binned_energy, expectation.project('Em').todense().contents+(bkg_par.value * bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents), yerr=np.sqrt(expectation.project('Em').todense().contents+(bkg_par.value * bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents)), color='purple', linewidth=0, elinewidth=1)
ax.stairs(crab_bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents, binned_energy_edges, color = 'black', ls = ":", label = "Total counts")
ax.errorbar(binned_energy, crab_bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents, yerr=np.sqrt(crab_bkg.binned_data.project('Em').todense().contents), color='black', linewidth=0, elinewidth=1)


ax.set_xlabel("Energy (keV)")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2b007c6d0>