Data IO


class cosipy.data_io.DataIO(input_yaml, pw=None)[source]

Handles main inputs and outputs.

class cosipy.data_io.UnBinnedData(input_yaml, pw=None)[source]

Handles unbinned data.

read_tra(output_name=None, run_test=False, use_ori=False, event_min=None, event_max=None)[source]

Reads MEGAlib .tra (or .tra.gz) file and creates cosi datset.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output file (default is None, in which case no output is written).

  • run_test (bool, optional) – This is for unit testing only! Keep False unless comparing to MEGAlib calculations.

  • use_ori (bool, optional) – Option to get pointing information from the orientation file, based on event time-stamps (default is False, in which case the pointing information comes from the event file itself). Note: this is an option for now, but will later be the default.

  • event_min (int, optional) – Minimum event number to process (inclusive). All events below this will be skipped.

  • event_max (int, optional) –

    Maximum event number to process (non-inclusive). All events at and above this will be skipped.

    Note: event_min and event_max correspond to the total number of events in the file, which is not necessarily the same as the event ID number. The purpose of this is to allow the data to be read in chunks, in order to overcome memory limitations, depending on the user’s system.


The returned dictionary contains the COSI dataset, which has the form: cosi_dataset = {‘Energies’:erg, ‘TimeTags’:tt, ‘Xpointings’:np.array([lonX,latX]).T, ‘Ypointings’:np.array([lonY,latY]).T, ‘Zpointings’:np.array([lonZ,latZ]).T, ‘Phi’:phi, ‘Chi local’:chi_loc, ‘Psi local’:psi_loc, ‘Distance’:dist, ‘Chi galactic’:chi_gal, ‘Psi galactic’:psi_gal} Arrays contain unbinned photon data.

Return type:

cosi_dataset, dict


The current code is only able to handle data with Compton events. It will need to be modified to handle single-site and pair events.

This method sets the instance attribute, cosi_dataset, but it does not explicitly return this.


Get pointing information from ori file.

Initializes interpolated functions for lonx, latx, lonz, latz in radians.


  • xl_interp (scipy:interpolate:interp1d)

  • xb_interp (scipy:interpolate:interp1d)

  • zl_interp (scipy:interpolate:interp1d)

  • zb_interp (scipy:interpolate:interp1d)


This method sets the instance attributes, but it does not explicitly return them.

construct_scy(scx_l, scx_b, scz_l, scz_b)[source]

Construct y-coordinate of instrument pointing given x and z directions.

  • scx_l (float) – Longitude of x direction in degrees.

  • scx_b (float) – Latitude of x direction in degrees.

  • scz_l (float) – Longitude of z direction in degrees.

  • scz_b (float) – Latitude of z direction in degrees.


  • ra (float) – Right ascension (in degrees) for y-coordinate of instrument pointing.

  • dec (float) – Declination (in degrees) for y-coordinate of instrument pointing.


Here, z is the optical axis.

polar2cart(ra, dec)[source]

Coordinate transformation of ra/dec (lon/lat) [phi/theta] polar/spherical coordinates into cartesian coordinates.

  • ra (float) – Right ascension in degrees.

  • dec (float) – Declination in degrees.


x, y, and z cartesian coordinates in radians.

Return type:



Coordinate transformation of cartesian x/y/z values into spherical (deg).


vector (vec) – Vector of x/y/z values.


  • ra (float) – Right ascension in degrees.

  • dec (float) – Declination in degrees.


Writes unbinned data file to either fits or hdf5.


output_name (str) – Name of output file. Only include prefix (not file type).


Constructs dictionary from input fits file.


input_fits (str) – Name of input fits file.


Dictionary constructed from input fits file.

Return type:



Constructs dictionary from input hdf5 file


input_hdf5 (str) – Name of input hdf5 file.


Dictionary constructed from input hdf5 file.

Return type:



Constructs dictionary from input file.


input_file (str) – Name of input file.


Dictionary constructed from input file.

Return type:


select_data_time(output_name=None, unbinned_data=None)[source]

Applies time cuts to unbinnned data dictionary.

  • unbinned_data (str, optional) – Name of unbinned dictionary file.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output file (default is None, in which case no file is saved).

combine_unbinned_data(input_files, output_name=None)[source]

Combines input unbinned data files.

  • input_files (list) – List of file names to combine.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output file.

find_bad_intervals(times, values, bad_value=0.0)[source]

Finds intervals where livetime is 0.0.

  • times (array) – Array of times from ori file.

  • values (array) – Array of livetimes from ori file.

  • bad_value (float or int) – The value that defines a bad time interval. It must match exactly the value in the ori file, including the type (float or int). Default is 0.0.


bad_intervals – List of bad time intervals.

Return type:

list of tuples

filter_good_data(times, bad_intervals)[source]

Removes entries that fall within bad intervals.

  • times (array) – Array of photon event times.

  • bad_intervals (list) – List of bad intervals defined by livetime = 0.0.


filtered_index – List of indices of good events.

Return type:


cut_SAA_events(unbinned_data=None, output_name=None)[source]

Cuts events corresponding to SAA passage based on input ori file.

  • unbinned_data (str, optional) – Name of unbinned dictionary file.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output file (default is None, in which case no file is saved).

class cosipy.data_io.BinnedData(input_yaml, pw=None)[source]

Handles binned data.

get_binned_data(unbinned_data=None, output_name=None, make_binning_plots=False, show_plots=False, psichi_binning='galactic', event_range=None)[source]

Bin the data using histpy and mhealpy.

  • unbinned_data (str, optional) – Name of unbinned data file to use. Input file is either .fits or .hdf5 as specified in the unbinned_output parameter in inputs.yaml.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output file.

  • make_binning_plots (bool, optional) – Option to make basic plots of the binning (default is False).

  • show_plots (bool, optional) – Option to show plots (default is False).

  • psichi_binning (str, optional) – ‘galactic’ for binning psichi in Galactic coordinates, or ‘local’ for binning in local coordinates. Default is Galactic.

  • event_range (list of integers, optional) – min and max event to use for the binning.


binned_data – Data is binned in four axes: time, measured energy, Compton scattering angle (phi), and scattering direction (PsiChi).

Return type:



This method constructs the instance attribute, binned_data, but it does not explicitly return it.


Loads binned histogram from hdf5 file.


binned_data (str) – Name of binned data file to load.


binned_data – Data is binned in four axes: time, measured energy, Compton scattering angle (phi), and scattering direction (PsiChi).

Return type:



This method sets the instance attribute, binned_data, but it does not explicitly return it.


Get binning information from Histpy histogram.


binned_data (str) – Name of binned data hdf5 file to use.

plot_binned_data(binned_data=None, show_plots=True)[source]

Plot binnned data for all axes.

  • binned_data (histpy:Histogram, optional) – Name of binned histogram to use.

  • show_plots (bool, optional) – Option to show plots (default is True).


Plot psichi healpix map.


show_plots (bool, optional) – Option to show plot (default is True).

plot_psichi_map_slices(Em, phi, output, binned_data=None, coords=None, show_plots=True)[source]

Plot psichi map in slices of Em and phi.

  • Em (int) – Bin of energy slice.

  • phi (int) – Bin of phi slice.

  • output (str) – Prefix of output plot.

  • binned_data (histpy:Histogram, optional) – Name of binned histogram to use.

  • coords (list, optional) – Coordinates of source position. Galactic longitude and latidude for Galactic coordinates. Azimuthal and latitude for local coordinates.

  • show_plots (bool, optional) – Option to show plots (default is True).

make_basic_plot(x, y, plt_scale='loglog', output_name=None, x_error=[], plot_kwargs={}, fig_kwargs={}, show_plots=True)[source]

Make a basic plot.

  • x (list or array) – x-axis data to be plotted

  • y (list or array) – y-axis data to be plotted

  • plt_scale (str, optional) – scale of axes: loglog, semilogx, or semilogy. Default is loglog.

  • x_error (list or array, optional) – x error bars

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of saved figure (default is None).

  • plot_kwargs (dict, optional) – Pass any kwargs to plt.plot().

  • fig_kwargs (dict, optional) – Pass any kwargs to plt.gca().set().

  • show_plots (bool) – Wether or not to show plot (default is True).

get_raw_spectrum(binned_data=None, time_rate=False, output_name=None, show_plots=False)[source]

Calculates raw spectrum of binned data, plots, and writes to file.

  • binned_data (str, optional) – Name of binnned hdf5 data file.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output files. Writes both pdf and dat file.

  • time_rate (bool, optional) – If True, calculates ct/keV/s. The defualt is ct/keV.

  • show_plot (bool, optional) – Wether or not to show plot (default is False).

get_raw_lightcurve(binned_data=None, output_name=None, show_plots=False)[source]

Calculates raw lightcurve of binned data, plots, and writes data to file.

  • binned_data (str, optional) – Name of binnned hdf5 data file to use.

  • output_name (str, optional) – Prefix of output files. Writes both pdf and dat file.

  • show_plots (bool, optional) – Wether or not to show plot (default is False).

class cosipy.data_io.ReadTraTest(input_yaml, pw=None)[source]

Old method for reading tra file, used for unit testing.

read_tra_old(output_name, make_plots=True)[source]

Reads in MEGAlib .tra (or .tra.gz) file.

This method uses MEGAlib to read events from the tra file. This is used to compare to the new event reader, which is independent of MEGAlib.

  • output_name (str) – Prefix of output file.

  • make_plots (bool, optional) – Option to make binning plot.


cosi_dataset – Returns COSI dataset as a dictionary of the form: cosi_dataset = {‘Full filename’:self.data_file, ‘Energies’:erg, ‘TimeTags’:tt, ‘Xpointings’:np.array([lonX,latX]).T, ‘Ypointings’:np.array([lonY,latY]).T, ‘Zpointings’:np.array([lonZ,latZ]).T, ‘Phi’:phi, ‘Chi local’:chi_loc, ‘Psi local’:psi_loc, ‘Distance’:dist, ‘Chi galactic’:chi_gal, ‘Psi galactic’:psi_gal}

Return type:



This method sets the instance attribute, cosi_dataset, but it does not explicitly return this.