

When specifying a polarization angle (PA) it is important to specify the direction of the source and the convention used. All of this is necessary to reconstruct the polarization vector –i.e. the direction of the electric field.

A polarization convention is defined by a set of (px,py) unit vectors (a basis) that define a plane at each location on the sphere s = [x,y,z]. The location s is always normal to the polarization plane defined by (px,py). The polarization angle increases from px to py.

Cosipy supports two major convention constructions: orthographic and stereographic. These are named after the corresponding conformal projection transformation.

In addition for the overall construction prescription, a polarization convention fully defined by the reference frame and whether the polarization angle increases clockwise or counter-clockwise when looking at the source.


This the regular polarization convention prescription found in the literature, where the px,py are aligned with the meridians and parallels, and one of them always points towards an arbitrary reference vector. For eample, the following figure corresponds to orthographic convention in ICRS coordinates, pointing towards the North-pole and counter-clockwise when looking at the source (only one quadrant is plotted for easier visualization):

OrthographicConvention(ref_vector = SkyCoord(ra = 0*u.deg, dec = 90*u.deg, frame = 'icrs'), clockwise = False)
OrthographicZ convention / IAU

This matches the IAU convention and can be also called by name:


Other special conventions of the orthographic family that can also be called by name are MEGAlibs RelativeX/Y/Z, where the -py vector points towards the reference vector (as opposed to px):

MEGAlib RelativeZ MEGAlib RelativeX MEGAlib RelativeY


An issue of the orthographic projection is that it is not well-defined at the location of the reference vector and its antipodal direction. This can cause issues due to numerical errors when construction a detector response near those locations. The stereographic convention is meant to solve this issue by describing the polarization angle in spacecraft coordinates with only a single undefined location at -z, where the effective area is almost null. Due to the hairy ball theorem it is impossible to obtain a convention where the polarization basis vector have a smooth transition and with undefined locations.

Near the z-axis, it is very similar to using an orthographic convention with +x as the reference vector, and it deviates near and below the equator:


Converting from one convention and/or frame to another

Use the transform_to function:

pa_inertial =  PolarizationAngle(20*u.deg, source_direction, convention = 'IAU')

pa2_sc = pa.transform_to('RelativeX', attitude = Attitude.from_rotvec([0,10,0]*u.deg))


Results in 161.95. Note that in addition to accounting for the difference polarization reference vector, it also transforms from one reference frame to another on the fly.


class cosipy.polarization.PolarizationASAD(source_vector, source_spectrum, response_file, sc_orientation, fit_convention=None)[source]

Azimuthal scattering angle distribution (ASAD) method to fit polarization.

convolve_spectrum(spectrum, response_file, sc_orientation)[source]

Convolve source spectrum with response and calculate azimuthal scattering angle bins.


  • expectation (cosipy.response.PointSourceResponse.PointSourceResponse) – Expected counts in each bin of Compton data space

  • azimuthal_angle_bins (list) – Centers of azimuthal scattering angle bins calculated from PsiChi bins in response

calculate_azimuthal_scattering_angle(psi, chi)[source]

Calculate the azimuthal scattering angle of a scattered photon.

  • psi (float) – Polar angle (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates

  • chi (float) – Azimuthal angle (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates


azimuthal_angle – Azimuthal scattering angle defined with respect to given reference vector

Return type:



Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all events in a dataset.


unbinned_data (dict) – Unbinned data including polar and azimuthal angles (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates


azimuthal_angles – Azimuthal scattering angles. Each angle must be an astropy.coordinates.Angle object

Return type:


create_asad(azimuthal_angles, bins=20)[source]

Create ASAD and calculate uncertainties.

  • azimuthal_angles (list) – Azimuthal scattering angles (radians)

  • bins (int or np.array, optional) – Number of azimuthal scattering angle bins if int or edges of azimuthal scattering angle bins if np.array (radians)


asad – Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

Return type:



Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all bins.


bins (int or np.array, optional) – Number of azimuthal scattering angle bins if int or edges of azimuthal scattering angle bins if np.array (radians)


asad – Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

Return type:



Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all bins.


bins (int or np.array, optional) – Number of azimuthal scattering angle bins if int or edges of azimuthal scattering angle bins if np.array (radians)


asads – Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin for each polarization angle bin

Return type:


asad_sinusoid(x, a, b, c)[source]

Sinusoid to fit to ASAD.

  • x (float) – Azimuthal scattering angle (radians)

  • a (float) – First parameter

  • b (float) – Second parameter

  • c (float) – Third parameter


asad_function – Y-value of ASAD

Return type:


fit_asad(counts, p0, bounds, sigma)[source]

Fit the ASAD with a sinusoid.

  • counts (list) – Counts in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

  • p0 (list or np.array) – Initial guess for parameter values

  • bounds (2-tuple of float, list, or np.array) – Lower & upper bounds on parameters

  • sigma (float, list, or np.array) – Uncertainties in y data


  • popt (np.ndarray) – Fitted parameter values

  • uncertainties (list) – Uncertainty on each parameter value

plot_asad(counts, error, title, coefficients=[])[source]

Plot the ASAD.

  • counts (list) – Counts in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

  • error (np.ndarray) – Lower & upper uncertainties for each bin

  • title (str) – Title of plot

  • coefficients (list, optional) – Coefficients to plot fitted sinusoidal function

correct_asad(data_asad, unpolarized_asad)[source]

Correct the ASAD using the ASAD of an unpolarized source.

  • data_asad (dict) – Counts and uncertainties in each azimuthal scattering angle bin of data

  • unpolarized_asad (dict) – Counts and uncertainties in each azimuthal scattering angle bin of unpolarized source


asad – Normalized counts and uncertainties in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

Return type:


calculate_mu(counts_corrected, p0=None, bounds=None, sigma=None)[source]

Calculate the modulation (mu).

  • counts_corrected (list) – Counts in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

  • p0 (list or np.array) – Initial guess for parameter values

  • bounds (2-tuple of float, list, or np.array) – Lower & upper bounds on parameters

  • sigma (float, list, or np.array) – Uncertainties for each azimuthal scattering angle bin


modulation – Modulation and uncertainty of fitted sinusoid

Return type:


constant(x, a)[source]

Constant function to fit to mu_100 values.


a – Constant value

Return type:


calculate_mu100(polarized_asads, unpolarized_asad)[source]

Calculate the modulation (mu) of an 100% polarized source.

  • polarized_asads (list) – Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin for each polarization angle bin for 100% polarized source

  • unpolarized_asad (list or np.array) – Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin for unpolarized source


mu_100 – Modulation of 100% polarized source and uncertainty of constant function fit to modulation in all polarization angle bins

Return type:


fit(mu_100, counts_corrected, p0=None, bounds=None, sigma=None)[source]

Fit the polarization fraction and angle.

  • mu_100 (dict) – Modulation and uncertainty of a 100% polarized source

  • counts_corrected (list) – Counts in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

  • p0 (list or np.array) – Initial guess for parameter values

  • bounds (2-tuple of float, list, or np.array) – Lower & upper bounds on parameters

  • sigma (float, list, or np.array) – Uncertainties for each azimuthal scattering angle bin


polarization – Polarization fraction, polarization angle, and best fit parameter values for fitted sinusoid, and associated uncertainties

Return type:



Calculate the Poisson/Gaussian uncertainties for a list of binned counts.


counts (list) – List of counts in each bin


uncertainties – Lower & upper uncertainties for each bin

Return type:


class cosipy.polarization.PolarizationConvention[source]
classmethod register(name)[source]
classmethod get_convention(name, *args, **kwargs)[source]
property frame

Astropy coordinate frame

get_basis(source_direction: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord)[source]

Get the px,py unit vectors that define the polarization plane on this convention. Polarization angle increments from px to py.


source_direction (SkyCoord) – The direction of the source


px,py – Polarization angle increaes from px to py. pz is always the opposite of the source direction –i.e. in the direction of the particle.

Return type:


class cosipy.polarization.OrthographicConvention(ref_vector: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord = None, clockwise: bool = False)[source]
property is_clockwise

When looking at the source

property frame

Astropy coordinate frame

get_basis(source_direction: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord)[source]

Get the px,py unit vectors that define the polarization plane on this convention. Polarization angle increments from px to py.


source_direction (SkyCoord) – The direction of the source


px,py – Polarization angle increaes from px to py. pz is always the opposite of the source direction –i.e. in the direction of the particle.

Return type:


class cosipy.polarization.StereographicConvention(clockwise: bool = False, attitude: scoords.Attitude = None)[source]
property frame

Astropy coordinate frame

get_basis(source_direction: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord)[source]

Get the px,py unit vectors that define the polarization plane on this convention. Polarization angle increments from px to py.


source_direction (SkyCoord) – The direction of the source


px,py – Polarization angle increaes from px to py. pz is always the opposite of the source direction –i.e. in the direction of the particle.

Return type:


class cosipy.polarization.IAUPolarizationConvention[source]
class cosipy.polarization.PolarizationAngle(angle, skycoord, convention='iau', *args, **kwargs)[source]
property angle
property convention
property skycoord
property vector

Direction of the electric field vector

transform_to(convention, *args, **kwargs)[source]