Source code for cosipy.data_io.BinnedData

# Imports:
import sys
import numpy as np
import h5py
from histpy import Histogram, HealpixAxis, Axis
from scoords import SpacecraftFrame, Attitude
from mhealpy import HealpixMap, HealpixBase
import healpy as hp
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cosipy.make_plots import MakePlots
from cosipy.data_io import UnBinnedData
import logging
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BinnedData(UnBinnedData): """Handles binned data."""
[docs] def get_binned_data(self, unbinned_data=None, output_name=None, \ make_binning_plots=False, psichi_binning="galactic", event_range=None): """Bin the data using histpy and mhealpy. Parameters ---------- unbinned_data : str, optional Name of unbinned data file to use. Input file is either .fits or .hdf5 as specified in the unbinned_output parameter in inputs.yaml. output_name : str, optional Prefix of output file. make_binning_plots : bool, optional Option to make basic plots of the binning (default is False). psichi_binning : str, optional 'galactic' for binning psichi in Galactic coordinates, or 'local' for binning in local coordinates. Default is Galactic. event_range : list of integers, optional min and max event to use for the binning. Returns ------- binned_data : histpy:Histogram Data is binned in four axes: time, measured energy, Compton scattering angle (phi), and scattering direction (PsiChi). Note ---- This method constructs the instance attribute, binned_data, but it does not explicitly return it. """ # Make print statement: print("binning data...") # Option to read in unbinned data file: if unbinned_data: if self.unbinned_output == 'fits': self.cosi_dataset = self.get_dict_from_fits(unbinned_data) if self.unbinned_output == 'hdf5': self.cosi_dataset = self.get_dict_from_hdf5(unbinned_data) # Get time bins: min_time = self.tmin max_time = self.tmax if type(self.time_bins).__name__ in ['int','float']: # Get time bins: delta_t = max_time - min_time num_bins = round(delta_t / self.time_bins) new_bin_size = delta_t / num_bins if self.time_bins != new_bin_size: print() print("Note: time bins must be equally spaced between min and max time.") print("Using time bin size [s]: " + str(new_bin_size)) print() time_bin_edges = np.linspace(min_time,max_time,num_bins+1) if type(self.time_bins).__name__ == 'list': # Check that bins correspond to min and max time: if (self.time_bins[0] > min_time) | (self.time_bins[-1] < max_time): print() print("ERROR: Time bins do not cover the full selected data range!") print() sys.exit() time_bin_edges = np.array(self.time_bins) # Get energy bins: energy_bin_edges = np.array(self.energy_bins) # Get phi bins: number_phi_bins = int(180./self.phi_pix_size) phi_bin_edges = np.linspace(0,180,number_phi_bins+1) # Define psichi axis and data for binning: if psichi_binning == 'galactic': psichi_axis = HealpixAxis(nside = self.nside, scheme = self.scheme, coordsys = 'galactic', label='PsiChi') coords = SkyCoord(l=self.cosi_dataset['Chi galactic']*u.deg, b=self.cosi_dataset['Psi galactic']*u.deg, frame = 'galactic') if psichi_binning == 'local': psichi_axis = HealpixAxis(nside = self.nside, scheme = self.scheme, coordsys = SpacecraftFrame(), label='PsiChi') coords = SkyCoord(lon=self.cosi_dataset['Chi local']*u.rad, lat=((np.pi/2.0) - self.cosi_dataset['Psi local'])*u.rad, frame = SpacecraftFrame()) # Initialize histogram: self.binned_data = Histogram([Axis(time_bin_edges*u.s, label='Time'), Axis(energy_bin_edges*u.keV, label='Em'), Axis(phi_bin_edges*u.deg, label='Phi'), psichi_axis], sparse=True) # Fill histogram: if event_range == None: self.binned_data.fill(self.cosi_dataset['TimeTags']*u.s, self.cosi_dataset['Energies']*u.keV, np.rad2deg(self.cosi_dataset['Phi'])*u.deg, coords) if event_range != None: low = int(event_range[0]) high = int(event_range[1]) self.binned_data.fill(self.cosi_dataset['TimeTags'][low:high]*u.s, self.cosi_dataset['Energies'][low:high]*u.keV, np.rad2deg(self.cosi_dataset['Phi'][low:high])*u.deg, coords[low:high]) # Save binned data to hdf5 file: if output_name != None: self.binned_data.write('%s.hdf5' %output_name, overwrite=True) # Get binning information: self.get_binning_info() # Plot the binned data: if make_binning_plots == True: self.plot_binned_data() self.plot_psichi_map() return
[docs] def load_binned_data_from_hdf5(self,binned_data): """Loads binned histogram from hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- binned_data : str Name of binned data file to load. Returns ------- binned_data : histpy:Histogram Data is binned in four axes: time, measured energy, Compton scattering angle (phi), and scattering direction (PsiChi). Note ---- This method sets the instance attribute, binned_data, but it does not explicitly return it. """ self.binned_data = return
[docs] def get_binning_info(self, binned_data=None): """Get binning information from Histpy histogram. Parameters ---------- binned_data : str Name of binned data hdf5 file to use. """ # Option to read in binned data from hdf5 file: if binned_data: self.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data) # Print units of axes: for each in self.binned_data.axes: print(each.label + " unit: " + str(each.unit)) # Get time binning information: self.time_hist = self.binned_data.project('Time').contents.todense() self.num_time_bins = self.binned_data.axes['Time'].nbins self.time_bin_centers = self.binned_data.axes['Time'].centers self.time_bin_edges = self.binned_data.axes['Time'].edges self.time_bin_widths = self.binned_data.axes['Time'].widths self.total_time = self.time_bin_edges[-1] - self.time_bin_edges[0] # Get energy binning information: self.energy_hist = self.binned_data.project('Em').contents.todense() self.num_energy_bins = self.binned_data.axes['Em'].nbins self.energy_bin_centers = self.binned_data.axes['Em'].centers self.energy_bin_edges = self.binned_data.axes['Em'].edges self.energy_bin_widths = self.binned_data.axes['Em'].widths # Get Phi binning information: self.phi_hist = self.binned_data.project('Phi').contents.todense() self.num_phi_bins = self.binned_data.axes['Phi'].nbins self.phi_bin_centers = self.binned_data.axes['Phi'].centers self.phi_bin_edges = self.binned_data.axes['Phi'].edges self.phi_bin_widths = self.binned_data.axes['Phi'].widths # Get PsiChi binning information: self.psichi_hist = self.binned_data.project('PsiChi').contents.todense() self.num_psichi_bins = self.binned_data.axes['PsiChi'].nbins self.psichi_bin_centers = self.binned_data.axes['PsiChi'].centers self.psichi_bin_edges = self.binned_data.axes['PsiChi'].edges self.psichi_bin_widths = self.binned_data.axes['PsiChi'].widths return
[docs] def plot_binned_data(self, binned_data=None): """Plot binnned data for all axes. Parameters ---------- binned_data : histpy:Histogram, optional Name of binned histogram to use. """ # Option to read in binned data from hdf5 file: if binned_data: self.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data) # Define plot dictionaries: time_energy_plot = {"projection":["Time","Em"],"xlabel":"Time [s]",\ "ylabel":"Em [keV]","savefig":"2d_time_energy.png"} time_plot = {"projection":"Time","xlabel":"Time [s]",\ "ylabel":"Counts","savefig":"time_binning.pdf"} energy_plot = {"projection":"Em","xlabel":"Em [keV]",\ "ylabel":"Counts","savefig":"energy_binning.pdf"} phi_plot = {"projection":"Phi","xlabel":"Phi [deg]",\ "ylabel":"Counts","savefig":"phi_binning.pdf"} psichi_plot = {"projection":"PsiChi",\ "xlabel":"PsiChi [HEALPix ring pixel number]",\ "ylabel":"Counts","savefig":"psichi_binning.pdf"} # Make plots: plot_list = [time_energy_plot,time_plot,energy_plot,phi_plot,psichi_plot] for each in plot_list: self.binned_data.project(each["projection"]).plot() plt.xlabel(each["xlabel"],fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(each["ylabel"], fontsize=12) plt.savefig(each["savefig"]) plt.close() return
[docs] def plot_psichi_map(self): """ Plot psichi healpix map. """ print("plotting psichi in Galactic coordinates...") plot, ax = self.binned_data.project('PsiChi').plot(ax_kw = {'coord':'G'}) ax.get_figure().set_figwidth(4) ax.get_figure().set_figheight(3) plt.title("PsiChi Binning (counts)") plt.savefig("psichi_default.png",bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return
[docs] def plot_psichi_map_slices(self, Em, phi, output, binned_data=None, coords=None): """Plot psichi map in slices of Em and phi. Parameters ---------- Em : int Bin of energy slice. phi : int Bin of phi slice. output : str Prefix of output plot. binned_data : histpy:Histogram, optional Name of binned histogram to use. coords : list, optional Coordinates of source position. Galactic longitude and latidude for Galactic coordinates. Azimuthal and latitude for local coordinates. """ # Option to read in binned data from hdf5 file: if binned_data: self.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data) # Make healpix map with binned data slice: h = self.binned_data.project('Em', 'Phi', 'PsiChi').slice[{'Em':Em, 'Phi':phi}].project('PsiChi') m = HealpixMap(base = HealpixBase(npix = h.nbins), data = h.contents.todense()) # Plot standard view: plot,ax = m.plot('mollview') if coords: ax.scatter(coords[0], coords[1], s=9, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), color = 'red') ax.coords.grid(True, color='grey', ls='dotted') ax.get_figure().set_figwidth(6) ax.get_figure().set_figheight(3) plt.savefig("%s.pdf" %output,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # Plot rotated view: if coords: plot,ax = m.plot('orthview', ax_kw = {'rot':[coords[0],coords[1],0]}) ax.scatter(coords[0], coords[1], s=9, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), color = 'red') ax.coords.grid(True, color='grey', ls='dotted') ax.get_figure().set_figwidth(6) ax.get_figure().set_figheight(3) plt.savefig("%s_rotated.pdf" %output,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return
[docs] def get_raw_spectrum(self, binned_data=None, time_rate=False, output_name=None): """Calculates raw spectrum of binned data, plots, and writes to file. Parameters ---------- binned_data : str, optional Name of binnned hdf5 data file. output_name : str, optional Prefix of output files. Writes both pdf and dat file. time_rate : bool, optional If True, calculates ct/keV/s. The defualt is ct/keV. """ # Make print statement: print("getting raw spectrum...") # Option to read in binned data from hdf5 file: if binned_data: self.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data) self.get_binning_info() # Option to normalize by total time: if time_rate==False: raw_rate = self.energy_hist/self.energy_bin_widths ylabel = "$\mathrm{ct \ keV^{-1}}$" data_label = "Rate[ct/keV]" if time_rate==True: raw_rate = self.energy_hist/self.energy_bin_widths/self.total_time ylabel = "$\mathrm{ct \ keV^{-1} \ s^{-1}}$" data_label = "Rate[ct/keV/s]" # Plot: plot_kwargs = {"label":"raw spectrum", "ls":"", "marker":"o", "color":"black"} fig_kwargs = {"xlabel":"Energy [keV]", "ylabel":ylabel} MakePlots().make_basic_plot(self.energy_bin_centers, raw_rate,\ x_error=self.energy_bin_widths/2.0, savefig="%s.pdf" %output_name,\ plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs) # Write data: if output_name != None: d = {"Energy[keV]":self.energy_bin_centers,data_label:raw_rate} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df.to_csv("%s.dat" %output_name,float_format='%10.5e',index=False,sep="\t",columns=["Energy[keV]",data_label]) return
[docs] def get_raw_lightcurve(self, binned_data=None, output_name=None): """Calculates raw lightcurve of binned data, plots, and writes data to file. Parameters ---------- binned_data : str, optional Name of binnned hdf5 data file to use. output_name : str, optional Prefix of output files. Writes both pdf and dat file. """ # Make print statement: print("getting raw lightcurve...") # Option to read in binned data from hdf5 file: if binned_data: self.load_binned_data_from_hdf5(binned_data) self.get_binning_info() # Calculate raw light curve: raw_lc = self.time_hist/self.time_bin_widths # Plot: plot_kwargs = {"ls":"-", "marker":"", "color":"black", "label":"raw lightcurve"} fig_kwargs = {"xlabel":"Time [s]", "ylabel":"Rate [$\mathrm{ct \ s^{-1}}$]"} MakePlots().make_basic_plot(self.time_bin_centers - self.time_bin_centers[0], raw_lc,\ savefig="%s.pdf" %output_name, plt_scale="semilogy", plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs) # Write data: if output_name != None: d = {"Time[UTC]":self.time_bin_centers,"Rate[ct/s]":self.time_hist/self.time_bin_widths} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df.to_csv("%s.dat" %output_name,index=False,sep="\t",columns=["Time[UTC]","Rate[ct/s]"]) return