from histpy import Histogram
from pathlib import Path
from cosipy.response import FullDetectorResponse
import h5py as h5
from histpy import Histogram, Axis, Axes
from cosipy.response import PointSourceResponse
import sys
from mhealpy import HealpixMap
class SourceInjector():
def __init__(self, response_path, response_frame = "local"):
`SourceInjector` convolve response, source model(s) and orientation to produce a mocked simulated data. The data can be saved for data anlysis with cosipy.
response : str or pathlib.Path
The path to the response file
response_frame : str, optional
The frame of the Compton data space (CDS) of the response. It only accepts `local` or "galactic". (the default is `local`, which means the CDS is in the local detector frame.
self.response_path = response_path
if response_frame == "local" or response_frame == "galactic":
self.response_frame = response_frame
raise ValueError("The response frame can only be `local` or `galactic`!")
def get_psr_in_galactic(coordinate, response_path, spectrum):
Get the point source response (psr) in galactic. Please be aware that you must use a galactic response!
To do: to make the weight parameter not hardcoded
coordinate : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord
The coordinate.
response_path : str or path.lib.Path
The path to the response.
spectrum : astromodels.functions
The spectrum of the source to be placed at the hypothesis coordinate.
psr : histpy.Histogram
The point source response of the spectrum at the hypothesis coordinate.
# Open the response
# Notes from Israel: Inside it contains a single histogram with all the regular axes for a Compton Data Space (CDS) analysis, in galactic coordinates. Since there is no class yet to handle it, this is how to read in the HDF5 manually.
with h5.File(response_path) as f:
axes_group = f['hist/axes']
axes = []
for axis in axes_group.values():
# Get class. Backwards compatible with version
# with only Axis
axis_cls = Axis
if '__class__' in axis.attrs:
class_module, class_name = axis.attrs['__class__']
axis_cls = getattr(sys.modules[class_module], class_name)
axes += [axis_cls._open(axis)]
axes = Axes(axes)
# get the pixel number of the hypothesis coordinate
map_temp = HealpixMap(base = axes[0])
coordinate_pix_number = map_temp.ang2pix(coordinate)
# get the expectation for the hypothesis coordinate (a point source)
with h5.File(response_path) as f:
pix = coordinate_pix_number
psr = PointSourceResponse(axes[1:], f['hist/contents'][pix+1], unit = f['hist'].attrs['unit'])
return psr
def inject_point_source(self, spectrum, coordinate, orientation = None, source_name = "point_source",
make_spectrum_plot = False, data_save_path = None, project_axes = None):
Get the expected counts for a point source.
spectrum : astromodels.functions
The spectrum model defined from `astromodels`.
coordinate : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord
The coordinate of the point source.
orientation : cosipy.spacecraftfile.SpacecraftFile, option
The orientation of the telescope during the mock simulation. This is needed when using a detector response. (the default is `None`, which means a galactic response is used.
source_name : str, optional
The name of the source (the default is `point_source`).
make_spectrum_plot : bool, optional
Set `True` to make the plot of the injected spectrum.
data_save_path : str or pathlib.Path, optional
The path to save the injected data to a `.h5` file. This should include the file name. (the default is `None`, which means the injected data won't be saved.
project_axes : list, optional
The axes to project before saving the data file (the default is `None`, which means the data won't be projected).
The `Histogram object of the injected spectrum.`
# get the point source response in local frame
if self.response_frame == "local":
if orientation == None:
raise TypeError("The when the data are binned in local frame, orientation must be provided to compute the expected counts.")
# get the dwell time map
coord_in_sc_frame = orientation.get_target_in_sc_frame(target_name = source_name,
target_coord = coordinate,
quiet = True)
# get the dwell time map in the detector frame
dwell_time_map = orientation.get_dwell_map(response = self.response_path)
with as response:
psr = response.get_point_source_response(dwell_time_map)
# get the point source response in galactic frame
elif self.response_frame == "galactic":
psr = SourceInjector.get_psr_in_galactic(coordinate = coordinate, response_path = self.response_path, spectrum = spectrum)
injected = psr.get_expectation(spectrum)
# setting the Em and Ei scale to linear to match the simulated data
# The linear scale of Em is the default for COSI data
injected.axes["Em"].axis_scale = "linear"
if project_axes is not None:
injected = injected.project(project_axes)
if make_spectrum_plot is True:
ax, plot = injected.project("Em").draw(label = "Injected point source", color = "green")
if data_save_path is not None:
return injected