import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from histpy import Histogram, Axes, Axis
import astropy.units as u
class DetectorResponse(Histogram):
Handles the multi-dimensional matrix that describes the
response of the instrument for a particular :py:class:`.SpacecraftFrame` coordinate
axes : :py:class:`histpy.Axes`
Binning information for each variable. The following labels are expected:\n
- ``Ei``: Real energy
- ``Em``: Measured energy
- ``Phi``: Compton angle. Optional.
- ``PsiChi``: Location in the Compton Data Space (HEALPix pixel). Optional.
- ``SigmaTau``: Electron recoil angle (HEALPix pixel). Optional.
- ``Dist``: Distance from first interaction. Optional.
contents : array, :py:class:`astropy.units.Quantity` or :py:class:`sparse.SparseArray`
Array containing the differential effective area.
unit : :py:class:`astropy.units.Unit`, optional
Physical area units, if not specified as part of ``contents``
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._spec = None
self._aeff = None
def get_spectral_response(self, copy = True):
Reduced detector response, projected along the real and measured energy axes only.
The Compton Data Space axes are not included.
copy : bool
If true, a copy of the cached spectral response will be returned.
# Cache the spectral response
if self._spec is None:
spec = self.project(['Ei','Em'])
self._spec = DetectorResponse(spec.axes,
contents = spec.contents,
unit = spec.unit)
if copy:
return deepcopy(self._spec)
return self._spec
def get_effective_area(self, energy = None, copy = True):
Compute the effective area at a given energy. If no energy is specified, the
output is a histogram for the effective area at each energy bin.
energy : optional, :py:class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
Energy/energies at which to interpolate the linearly effective area
copy : bool
If true, a copy of the cached effective will be returned.
:py:class:`astropy.units.Quantity` or :py:class:`histpy.Histogram`
if self._aeff is None:
self._aeff = self.get_spectral_response(copy = False).project('Ei').to_dense()
if energy is None:
if copy:
return deepcopy(self._aeff)
return self._aeff
return self._aeff.interp(energy)
def get_dispersion_matrix(self):
Compute the energy dispersion matrix, also known as migration matrix. This holds the
probability of an event with real energy ``Ei`` to be reconstructed with an measured
energy ``Em``.
# Get spectral response and effective area normalization
spec = self.get_spectral_response(copy = False)
norm = self.get_effective_area().full_contents
# Hack the under/overflow bins to supress 0/0 wearning
norm[0] = 1*norm.unit if norm[0] == 0 else norm[0]
norm[-1] = 1*norm.unit if norm[-1] == 0 else norm[-1]
# Avoid another 0/0 is the effective area is null for some bins
if np.any(norm == 0):
norm[norm == 0] = 1*norm.unit
logger.warn("Null effective area, cannot properly compute dispersion matrix.")
# "Broadcast" such that it has the compatible dimensions with the 2D matrix
norm = spec.expand_dims(norm, 'Ei')
# Normalize column-by-column
return (spec / norm)
def photon_energy_axis(self):
Real energy bins (``Ei``).
return self.axes['Ei']
def measured_energy_axis(self):
Measured energy bins (``Em``).
return self.axes['Em']