Source code for cosipy.image_deconvolution.RichardsonLucy

import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import as fits
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from histpy import Histogram

from .deconvolution_algorithm_base import DeconvolutionAlgorithmBase

[docs] class RichardsonLucy(DeconvolutionAlgorithmBase): """ A class for the RichardsonLucy algorithm. The algorithm here is based on Knoedlseder+99, Knoedlseder+05, Siegert+20. An example of parameter is as follows. iteration_max: 100 minimum_flux: value: 0.0 unit: "cm-2 s-1 sr-1" acceleration: True alpha_max: 10.0 response_weighting: True response_weighting_index: 0.5 smoothing: True smoothing_FWHM: value: 2.0 unit: "deg" background_normalization_optimization: True background_normalization_range: {"albedo": [0.9, 1.1]} save_results: True save_results_directory: "./results" """ def __init__(self, initial_model, dataset, mask, parameter): DeconvolutionAlgorithmBase.__init__(self, initial_model, dataset, mask, parameter) self.do_acceleration = parameter.get('acceleration', False) self.alpha_max = parameter.get('alpha_max', 1.0) self.do_response_weighting = parameter.get('response_weighting', False) if self.do_response_weighting: self.response_weighting_index = parameter.get('response_weighting_index', 0.5) self.do_smoothing = parameter.get('smoothing', False) if self.do_smoothing: self.smoothing_fwhm = parameter['smoothing_FWHM']['value'] * u.Unit(parameter['smoothing_FWHM']['unit'])"Gaussian filter with FWHM of {self.smoothing_fwhm} will be applied to delta images ...") self.do_bkg_norm_optimization = parameter.get('background_normalization_optimization', False) if self.do_bkg_norm_optimization: self.dict_bkg_norm_range = parameter.get('background_normalization_range', {key: [0.0, 100.0] for key in self.dict_bkg_norm.keys()}) self.save_results = parameter.get('save_results', False) self.save_results_directory = parameter.get('save_results_directory', './results') if self.save_results is True: if os.path.isdir(self.save_results_directory): logger.warning(f"A directory {self.save_results_directory} already exists. Files in {self.save_results_directory} may be overwritten. Make sure that is not a problem.") else: os.makedirs(self.save_results_directory)
[docs] def initialization(self): """ initialization before running the image deconvolution """ # clear counter self.iteration_count = 0 # clear results self.results.clear() # copy model self.model = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_model) # calculate exposure map self.summed_exposure_map = self.calc_summed_exposure_map() # mask setting if self.mask is None and np.any(self.summed_exposure_map.contents == 0): self.mask = Histogram(self.model.axes, contents = self.summed_exposure_map.contents > 0) self.model = self.model.mask_pixels(self.mask)"There are zero-exposure pixels. A mask to ignore them was set.") # response-weighting filter if self.do_response_weighting: self.response_weighting_filter = (self.summed_exposure_map.contents / np.max(self.summed_exposure_map.contents))**self.response_weighting_index"The response weighting filter was calculated.") # expected count histograms self.expectation_list = self.calc_expectation_list(model = self.initial_model, dict_bkg_norm = self.dict_bkg_norm)"The expected count histograms were calculated with the initial model map.") # calculate summed background models for M-step if self.do_bkg_norm_optimization: self.dict_summed_bkg_model = {} for key in self.dict_bkg_norm.keys(): self.dict_summed_bkg_model[key] = self.calc_summed_bkg_model(key)
[docs] def pre_processing(self): """ pre-processing for each iteration """ pass
[docs] def Estep(self): """ E-step (but it will be skipped). Note that self.expectation_list is updated in self.post_processing(). """ pass
[docs] def Mstep(self): """ M-step in RL algorithm. """ ratio_list = [ data.event / expectation for data, expectation in zip(self.dataset, self.expectation_list) ] # delta model sum_T_product = self.calc_summed_T_product(ratio_list) self.delta_model = self.model * (sum_T_product/self.summed_exposure_map - 1) if self.mask is not None: self.delta_model = self.delta_model.mask_pixels(self.mask) # background normalization optimization if self.do_bkg_norm_optimization: for key in self.dict_bkg_norm.keys(): sum_bkg_T_product = self.calc_summed_bkg_model_product(key, ratio_list) sum_bkg_model = self.dict_summed_bkg_model[key] bkg_norm = self.dict_bkg_norm[key] * (sum_bkg_T_product / sum_bkg_model) bkg_range = self.dict_bkg_norm_range[key] if bkg_norm < bkg_range[0]: bkg_norm = bkg_range[0] elif bkg_norm > bkg_range[1]: bkg_norm = bkg_range[1] self.dict_bkg_norm[key] = bkg_norm
[docs] def post_processing(self): """ Here three processes will be performed. - response weighting filter: the delta map is renormalized as pixels with large exposure times will have more feedback. - gaussian smoothing filter: the delta map is blurred with a Gaussian function. - acceleration of RL algirithm: the normalization of delta map is increased as long as the updated image has no non-negative components. """ self.processed_delta_model = copy.deepcopy(self.delta_model) if self.do_response_weighting: self.processed_delta_model[:] *= self.response_weighting_filter if self.do_smoothing: self.processed_delta_model = self.processed_delta_model.smoothing(fwhm = self.smoothing_fwhm) if self.do_acceleration: self.alpha = self.calc_alpha(self.processed_delta_model, self.model) else: self.alpha = 1.0 self.model = self.model + self.processed_delta_model * self.alpha self.model[:] = np.where(self.model.contents < self.minimum_flux, self.minimum_flux, self.model.contents) if self.mask is not None: self.model = self.model.mask_pixels(self.mask) # update expectation_list self.expectation_list = self.calc_expectation_list(self.model, dict_bkg_norm = self.dict_bkg_norm) logger.debug("The expected count histograms were updated with the new model map.") # update loglikelihood_list self.loglikelihood_list = self.calc_loglikelihood_list(self.expectation_list) logger.debug("The loglikelihood list was updated with the new expected count histograms.")
[docs] def register_result(self): """ The values below are stored at the end of each iteration. - iteration: iteration number - model: updated image - delta_model: delta map after M-step - processed_delta_model: delta map after post-processing - alpha: acceleration parameter in RL algirithm - background_normalization: optimized background normalization - loglikelihood: log-likelihood """ this_result = {"iteration": self.iteration_count, "model": copy.deepcopy(self.model), "delta_model": copy.deepcopy(self.delta_model), "processed_delta_model": copy.deepcopy(self.processed_delta_model), "background_normalization": copy.deepcopy(self.dict_bkg_norm), "alpha": self.alpha, "loglikelihood": copy.deepcopy(self.loglikelihood_list)} # show intermediate results' alpha: {this_result["alpha"]}')' background_normalization: {this_result["background_normalization"]}')' loglikelihood: {this_result["loglikelihood"]}') # register this_result in self.results self.results.append(this_result)
[docs] def check_stopping_criteria(self): """ If iteration_count is smaller than iteration_max, the iterative process will continue. Returns ------- bool """ if self.iteration_count < self.iteration_max: return False return True
[docs] def finalization(self): """ finalization after running the image deconvolution """ if self.save_results == True:'Saving results in {self.save_results_directory}') # model for this_result in self.results: iteration_count = this_result["iteration"] this_result["model"].write(f"{self.save_results_directory}/model_itr{iteration_count}.hdf5", overwrite = True) this_result["delta_model"].write(f"{self.save_results_directory}/delta_model_itr{iteration_count}.hdf5", overwrite = True) this_result["processed_delta_model"].write(f"{self.save_results_directory}/processed_delta_model_itr{iteration_count}.hdf5", overwrite = True) #fits primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() col_iteration = fits.Column(name='iteration', array=[float(result['iteration']) for result in self.results], format='K') col_alpha = fits.Column(name='alpha', array=[float(result['alpha']) for result in self.results], format='D') cols_bkg_norm = [fits.Column(name=key, array=[float(result['background_normalization'][key]) for result in self.results], format='D') for key in self.dict_bkg_norm.keys()] cols_loglikelihood = [fits.Column(name=f"{self.dataset[i].name}", array=[float(result['loglikelihood'][i]) for result in self.results], format='D') for i in range(len(self.dataset))] table_alpha = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col_iteration, col_alpha]) = "alpha" table_bkg_norm = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col_iteration] + cols_bkg_norm) = "bkg_norm" table_loglikelihood = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col_iteration] + cols_loglikelihood) = "loglikelihood" hdul = fits.HDUList([primary_hdu, table_alpha, table_bkg_norm, table_loglikelihood]) hdul.writeto(f'{self.save_results_directory}/results.fits', overwrite=True)
[docs] def calc_alpha(self, delta_model, model): """ Calculate the acceleration parameter in RL algorithm. Returns ------- float Acceleration parameter """ diff = -1 * (model / delta_model).contents diff[(diff <= 0) | (delta_model.contents == 0)] = np.inf if self.mask is not None: diff[np.invert(self.mask.contents)] = np.inf alpha = min(np.min(diff), self.alpha_max) if alpha < 1.0: alpha = 1.0 return alpha